october blogging challenge 2: thankful thursday

I’m going to do this in my typical “hurray for” format. So, hurray (because I’m thankful) for…

Working only a couple blocks away from Central Park.

Some of my favorite shows on Netflix (I’m currently working my way through Frasier).

My new coffee maker.

My Avengers poster. (I had to go without it until my mom could mail it to me at my new place. And it just doesn’t feel like home without it.)

Watching the sun rise during my morning coffee.

All the support I’ve gotten for moving to New York City; I would have done it regardless, but it makes such a difference when others are encouraging of you following your dreams.

What are you thankful for today?


October Blogging Challenge 1

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  1. I am so with you on the coffee maker/coffee time! Amanda @abrownieworld.blogspot.com

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s cheesy but today I’m thankful that I found your blog! I really love it, and I think you’re really likeable 🙂

    Owl Girl | A London lifestyle blog



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